Is it boring? Or Something Else…
Did you even try?
It’s effortless to say that something is boring when we know it’s not our favourite thing to do. There are the essential ‘admin’ chores that have to be done like tax returns, taking care of bills, and reading policies at work that seem to drain our time and energy. But unfortunately, they’re all are essential.
I think it’s perfectly acceptable to find these jobs annoying, after all, we don’t choose to do them, they have to be done.
However, there are exceptions to the rule.
Often when something is boring, it’s because we either find it too easy or too hard. This is a fact that has only recently dawned on me, but I’ve probably been making up the same excuse my entire life.
My children are always complaining that they are ‘bored,’ and like most other parents, I then begin reciting the full list of toys that I have purchased for them that are currently gathering dust in their bedrooms. Not forgetting the diatribe of how when I was younger, I didn’t have iPads or laptops and -shock horror- the internet!
In a world of instant gratification, I am not surprised that our levels of patience are deteriorating. We seem to have become less tolerant as a human race.
Where Did It Go Wrong?
We can all think back to our school days and reminisce about the fond memories we have of our favourite days. Those were the times when we went on school trips and did things that scared us, the new experiences we were exposed to, and the risks we took.
It was the attitude we had before we did all of these fantastic things that began to shape us as individuals. We were ready and raring to go, willing to do something different, to meet a challenge head-on.
As adults, the weight of our responsibilities is often substantial, and we become life tired, unable to see through the monotony. We take the safe options instead of the risks that might engineer exciting opportunities because of our fear of the unknown.
I am guilty of this. Life can feel like its spinning by, with weeks and months passing in the blink of an eye, all because I was ‘too tired’ to do anything purposeful.
Just Get Stuck In!
My Nan used to say, ‘Only boring people get bored,’ and she had a point. If we start with the attitude that something is going to be boring, then it will be. If we tackle it with, it’s going to be hard, but I’ll have a go, then we might learn something new.
If it’s too easy, then try and make it more challenging. Anything comfortable is boring, let’s face it, if writing was easy, everyone would be doing it!
We have all had moments when the time has ebbed away when we are completely engrossed in what we are doing. That warm fuzzy we get, when we’ve achieved something we never thought we could do is the most fantastic feeling in the world.
And that’s why we write because although it’s challenging and frustrating, it also makes us come alive.
Ask Yourself….
So next time you think something’s boring — ask yourself, have I actually tried my best at this, or have I half-heartedly done it.
We can all choose our mindset, make sure you want the one that will push you forward, not keep you still.