The Book That’s Slowly Changing My Life

Karen Worsfold
The Shortform
Published in
Jan 23, 2022


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I haven’t bothered to set new year’s resolutions because I know they don’t work. I’ve decided to do something different because I’ve reached my tipping point. I am unwilling to allow another year to pass where I remain static.

Atomic Habits by James Clear has been a game-changer.

The fundamental principle is to make sustainable changes by altering daily habits and routines. This compound effect involves adding up small everyday actions to create a lasting impact — more sustainable than fad resolutions.

So, I write daily, even just for 5 minutes, drink a glass of water every morning and don’t look at social media when I wake up. As a result, I’m definitely more positive, which sets the tone for my day.

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”



Karen Worsfold
The Shortform

Self-published author, dreamer and eternal optimist. Finding my way though, one step at a time. Reach me at