Why You Need to Stop Trying to Make Someone Happy
Because you can’t
There are so many times when I watch tv and see someone promising to spend their life trying to make someone else happy. It drives me crazy because the truth is that it can’t be done. Happiness is not something you can create for someone else; it’s only possible to create it for yourself.
Stop people pleasing
I know I’ve done things and made choices because I thought it would make others happy, and sometimes this works. But generally, there are just some people that no matter what you do, nothing will ever be good enough, and you usually end up compromising your own happiness for the sake of theirs.
It’s not our responsibility to make someone else happy. It’s a state of being, and no matter how effervescent or full of kindness or energy we are, some people will never change the habit of being themselves.
Dr Joe Dispenza talks about breaking the habits that become part of our personalities. Every program that our internal computer (our brain) runs is built throughout the influences we are exposed to throughout our childhood, especially up to the age of 7.
Feel it
Happiness cannot be bottled and sold. A new car or colossal house can’t always deliver the pleasure we crave because they are just things, and the rush of endorphins upon gaining them, is fleeting. We can choose how we want to see the world and act in concert with those views, from the moment we get out of bed until our heads hit the pillow. It is a choice as to whether we want to feel happy or not.
Inner state
Out happiness lies in our inner feelings and the way that we react to our internal environment. There will always be situations that cause us to stop and engage in an emotionally charged response, but it is up to us how we deal with the problem and the effect we let it have on our lives.
Don’t let them drag you down
It sounds straightforward, but don’t surround yourself with toxic people who are constantly miserable. Their attitude and outlook undoubtedly affect your perception of the world, and you can be heavily influenced. Hang out with people that make you laugh and have fun; their positivity will inspire and invigorate you to grow, not stand still and complain.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”
Eleanor Roosevelt